Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Blood is thicker than water.

The one thing that I am forever grateful for is my family. They make me so angry. We don't always get a long and we have our differences but I love them.

In Into the Wild Chris often refers to the fact that one of the reasons why he wanted to be in the wild and away from society was because he couldn't stand people specially his family. I don't think that I could ever drop my family and leave. As much as we may disagree with each other I love them enough to not want to be separated from them. I often express the fact that I like feeling independent and self sufficient, but the truth is I will always need my family to be there. Ever since I can remember I've always had their support. I know that they always have my best interest in mind and I am beyond grateful for that. 

There are some people that unfortunately aren't as lucky as I am. No family is perfect, However; there are people that don't even have a family to fall back on. There are people that were born into this world just to be left behind. There are others that simply choose not associate with their family and that is truly unfortunate. I know I am not one of those people and that fact just makes me happy.

Realizing that some people aren't fortunate enough to have what I have makes me change my outlook on certain things. There are time that I'll do things that my parents frown upon and they make them so upset. Reflecting on my actions makes me want to TRY and avoid provoking them this way because they deserve as a good as a daughter as they are parents. I always treat people the way they treat me and this just doesn't have the best results sometimes. There are times that I will do things out of anger and impulse and I should probably stop. In some ways I am an angel. In others I am worse than the devil. Sometimes I feel bad for people that have kids because I feel like we don't appreciate EVERYTHING that our families do for us. We take a lot of things for granted.

I am the oldest child in my family. I honestly miss being an only child sometimes. I am thankful for my siblings though because having them around makes things less dull around the house. There are times that we can't get a long but I love the little things they do that make me smile. As the oldest child my parents often tell me that I have to set a good example for them. My sister is seven years old and my not so baby brother is three years old. Compared to them we have a huge age difference. I hate this sometimes. My parents will let them get away with things that were completely unacceptable for me to do when I was their age. I feel like I had it more rough than they ever will. I was forced to do more things on my own since I didn't have siblings to look out for me. It is what it is though and I feel like I will always have the encouragement to be better for them. Of course I want what is best for them so I want to set a good example for them to follow. I don't want any of them doing bad for themselves. Having a family that makes me reflect this way on my life is truly a blessing and it is something that is definitely a factor that contributes to my happiness.

1 comment:

  1. Wow - huge age gap between your siblings and you - lots of pressure on you to set a good example, since your parents will want them to go to college like you did... There are only 7 years between me and my youngest sister but it's like she was raised in a different family. When I went out my parents were all "Who will be there? Will her parents be home? What time will you be back? We'll be up waiting for you." and with my sister they were snoring on the couch and "that's nice" and SHE was the badass. So annoying!

    I always think that Chris McCandless was kind of immature at 24, and that in a few more years - or even maybe if he had lived to walk out of the wild in Alaska at the end of the summer of 1992, he might have changed his mind about talking to his family... but he didn't live, so every time I reread the book I think about how important it is to pay attention to them now, or get over stupid things... Great post, made me think about a lot.
