Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The less routine the more life

  • Wake up,
  • Go to school
  • Come home
  • Eat, social media, hw
  • Go to work
  • Come home, social media
  • Midnight snack?
  • Sleep
  • Repeat


There are so many obligatory things we need to do it is exhausting. Why? We follow the same routine daily and it sucks the life out of you. You have so much pressure to do what you need to do just to make it somewhere in life. Being a teenager makes you want to explode. Where do you want to go to school? Have you thought about what you want to do after you graduate? You should definitely do this but not this because of this. OKAY? What about what WE want to do. No one ever thinks about our happiness or tries even to make these transitions a little easier on us. Teachers over whelm us with homework and where is the fun of it?

Sometimes you just want to run away. Drop everything and just get away. Except we can't because we need parental consent for every freaking thing we do.

Now I begin to comprehend why people would be crazy enough to give away their belongings, burn their money, and go devote their life to the trees and the squirrels like in Into the Wild. People get tired of each others bs it is insane but ratable. Those people honestly have balls.

Routines consume us. Some people are too involved with their everyday obligations to realize that you may not wake up the next morning. It is true if you think about it, you may diet any moment of any given day. This makes me think about my future. I want to work my butt off now so that in the future I don't have to worry about anything I can enjoy my life try new things with the people I love. I don't want to worry if I have enough money to pay the bills, I want to give my parents the luxuries they could never have. I want to travel and have fun not be stuck in an endless death trap also known as routine.

1 comment:

  1. Ha - totally laughed and completely agree with your assessment of the people who get out as "those people totally have balls". yes, they do. As much as my sister makes me roll my eyes at times with her lectures about not buying the milk unless I've met the cow, I admire her balls at getting up and leaving, and spending weekends and free time exploring the mountains on her own terms...

    As someone mostly tied to routine, I think if you want to do it you will - so many places to go and people to meet - you'll love it. And no need to know now where you're going or why - that's what college is for, figuring that out. :)
